This page is updated on 9/5/2017. For more up-to-date resume,
Research Scientist August 2015 - Now
Adobe Research, San Jose, CA
-Working on various graphics research projects.
Research Intern May 2014 - August 2014
Adobe Research, San Jose, CA
-Automatic global alignment of multi-view point clouds with small overlap.
-Reconstruct high resolution 3D model from uncalibrated consumer-level depth camera.
Research Assistant September 2011 - now
Computer Graphics Lab, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Graphics Projects:
-Physically based simulation of fluids, cloth, soft body, fractures.
-Real-time simulation of dynamic brush and oil painting on GPU; Modeling for 3D Printing.
Gaming Projects:
-Paddling game with Kinect for therapy (gesture recognition, water simulation, particle system)
-Procedural terrain and road generation for games.
Research Intern May 2013 - August 2013
Adobe Research, San Jose, CA
-Created prototype of next-gen oil painting system with full brush and paint dynamics.
-Develop a novel method to simulate oil painting based on volumetric level-set running on GPU.
-Model brush and its interaction with highly viscous fluid in fully physical fashion for realistic result.
-Implemented full featured real-time demo painting system with OpenGL and GLSL.
-Won first prize in Adobe Intern Expo.
Rendering Engine Develop Intern June 2012 - August 2012
AutoDesSys, Inc., Columbus, OH
-Created high-quality real-time rendering module for CAD software FormZ from scratch.
-Implemented exponential shadow map, dynamic reflection/refraction, SSAO, LOD etc.
-Optimized rendering pipeline to achieve good performance on integrated graphics hardware.
Research Assistant September 2010 - August 2011
Computer Vision Lab, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
-3D reconstruction and panorama generation using IP camera surveillance network.
-Derived camera model for PTZ camera and calibration method including lens distortion correction.
Ph.D. in Computer Science
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH September 2010 - August 2015
Research area: physically-based simulation, real-time graphics, 3D reconstruction
Bachelor of Engineering in Automation
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China August 2006 - July 2010
Modeling, Evaluation and Optimization of Interlocking Shell Pieces
Miaojun Yao, Zhili Chen, Weiwei Xu, Huamin Wang.
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics). October 2017
6-DOF VR Videos with a Single 360-Camera
Jingwei Huang, Zhili Chen, Duygu Ceylan, Hailin Jin.
IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) 2017 Proceedings. March 2017.
Wetbrush: GPU-based 3D painting simulation at the bristle level
Zhili Chen, Byungmoon Kim, Daichi Ito and Huamin Wang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), vol.34, no.6. November 2015.
Level-set-based partitioning and packing optimization of a printable model
Miaojun Yao, Zhili Chen, Linjie Luo, Rui Wang and Huamin Wang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), vol.34, no.6. November 2015.
Physics-inspired adaptive fracture refinement
Zhili Chen, Miaojun Yao, Renguo Feng, and Huamin Wang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), vol.33, no.4. August 2014.
Modeling friction and air effects between cloth and deformable bodies
Zhili Chen, Renguo Feng and Huamin Wang.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), vol.32, no.4. July 2013.
First Prize, Adobe Intern Project Showcase, 2013
CSE Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 2010
Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Tsinghua University, 2009
Scholarship for Science & Technology Innovations, Tsinghua University, 2009
First Prize, National Olympics in Informatics of China, 2006
Programming Languages: C/C++, Obj-C, C\#, JAVA, Javascript, Python, MATLAB
Software: Maya, Houdini, Photoshop, Unity
Libraries: OpenGL, WebGL, DirectX, OpenCV, PCL, Intel TBB
Photography, Hiking, Basketball, Tennis, Kayaking
Available upon request.